See if you’re interested in this —




I just read something about the idea of learning

… directly from nature’s “mindless” entities and it reminded me of a long-ago day with Jen.
She couldn’t, it seemed, let an hour go by without asking something of an inanimate object.
On that day she picked up a stone the size of the end of my little finger and said aloud, face shining, “Beloved little rock, what is your history?”
Then she broke out laughing.
When I asked her what was so funny she replied that it let her know in no uncertain terms that it was not a rock, but a piece of an ancient pot!
You can read more about Jen and her activities here if you wish:







Our Dog Killed Jen’s Hen And She

Apologized For Not Having

A Stronger Fence

That’s how I met her.

It turned out that she was an encyclopedia on metaphysical and spiritual stuff and that she had had many fascinating experiences in her years in light work. She introduced me to the idea of making practical use of spiritual energies.

After supper Hubby and I visited with her until two in the morning, learning about experiences we couldn’t have imagined; about building energy in the body; about Mother Earth being a conscious being; about using energy to heal others. This was heady stuff in the 60s.

But when we got up the next morning after only four hours’ sleep, Hubby was pretty upset. At that time he was an auto mechanic and he had an engine to overhaul by noon. He was in no condition to do it and was really down. At 9 o’clock I called to see how he was doing and evidently he was all thumbs and things were going very badly indeed. He told me there was no way he could get it out by noon.

I went to see Jen, telling her, basically, that I would really appreciate it if she could put her energy where her mouth was. Her face lost its usual glowing smile and she said, “Oh! Oh, dear! Well! All right, dear, just sit down right here on the step with me and let’s send him some energy.” She instructed me to close my eyes and relax and send him energy. We sat thus for maybe ten minutes.

When he came home at noon for lunch and I asked him how things had gone, he said, “You know, it’s really strange. Just a few minutes after you called I suddenly felt really good and everything went well and actually finished the car.”

So, one of my first lessons in light work went very well.




Accidental Killing By A Light Worker?



She was a very beautiful glowing lady of great compassion.

I wrote about some magical experiences with her, including the story SPEAKING OF PAST LIFE SCARS.


This is Jen’s story, told to me by herself during the weeks of a long summer, with additions by her family of what they witnessed on that final day. I know nothing about it except what she and her husband and children told me.

She saw her duty as being a light worker helping the elementals, the fairies and gnomes of whom she was very fond, and she spent a great deal of time “holding the energy for them to help them perform their services to the planet.”  She had been doing this for a long time.

She was also communicating mentally with a monk in Sri Lanka, and as their friendship grew she began to spend less and less time with the elementals. There came a day when the monk decided to come visit her in his astral body. (I have written of one such visit Hubby and I witnessed in another story from my journal which has a short title including the word “ghost” …………….

Click here to link to this page

But she didn’t want him to visit. She had decided that she wanted to get back to what she felt was her commissioned work, and told him not to come.

He said he was going to come.

She said she would put up a barrier and again warned him away.

He was adamant.

So was she.

Later she was sitting in meditation and Ho, her husband, was in the street with their kids and neighbors having an impromptu little block party. Ho and the kids later told me that suddenly there was a loud explosion and blue fire in the air by the house which everyone heard and saw. He ran inside and Jen was crying and said that her Sri Lankan friend had come and when he struck her barrier it killed his astral body and that she was, at that moment, watching his physical body dying in Sri Lanka while his brother monks wondered what was happening. (Aside: Light workers know that when a healing is done with energy the astral is healed first, and that it usually takes varying amounts of time for it to take effect in the physical body. That being so, it would seem to make sense that if an accident kills the astral, the physical might not die instantly.)

I can’t vouch for this adventure. I will say that I don’t believe she would have been willing to take on the karmic costs of telling a lie, and witnesses say there was a huge explosion in the air. Was she/were they hallucinating? I don’t know. I know she wasn’t hallucinating the effects of her light work, for instance when that work helped my hubby get through a very tough day.








Strange things happen — and for a reason, I have learned.

Hubby and I met a lady who shone with spiritual beauty. The first day we met her, for whatever reason, she commented that she and hubby had been in a war together in a past life, both male, wearing, instead of trousers, outfits that were skirted.

She went on to say that hubby had died in her (his in past life) arms and she placed her hand on his back to show us where the spear had entered. We must have looked our amazement because she asked what was up. Hubby raised his shirt to show her that there, exactly where her hand had been, was his ugly ragged birthmark, about 2 1/2 or 3 inches across.

We had heard that past life injuries sometimes show up as birthmarks.




A Mystic Second Language




I’ve written more than one story about Jen

– of the two Jens, actually, before and after.  This is another event in the life of the Jen before her change.

A colony of ants appeared at their back doorstep.   Jen, being a natural patron of all “little people,” fed them the crumbs from the table and also, I would bet, manufactured crumbs for them, and the colony flourished.  Ho didn’t share her enthusiasm for their new neighbors and said they had to go.  Jen’s arguments had no effect on him other than to cause him, finally, to agree to wait until the next day for his mass assassinations.

Jen sat on the step by them and exhorted the ants (the ants’ spirit?) to move elsewhere so they wouldn’t be destroyed.

The next morning they were gone.



A Tragedy – The Last Act — A K A — The High Cost Of Education




I have written of Jen—of our dog killing her hen,

… of energizing Hubby so he could finish his work, of her friend, the monk in Sri Lanka. I have already said that her face was the sun, and so it seemed. Her every gesture showed Love–Love for all people, for animals and the earth, for every blade of grass. The end of every meal saw her scattering remnants on the earth for “the little people,” and I knew this was an outward sign of inner beautiful thought and emotion. She was the personification of compassion and kindness, seemingly without any capacity for criticizing anyone in any way.

Ho, her husband, was somewhat bothered that Jen was very anchored in her light work and in her psychic world because these activities took up the greater part of her time. When I met her and became determined to learn all I could from her she began giving time to me, too, so Ho was pretty much on his own and naturally cold-shouldered me. It didn’t bother Jen a bit. As far as she was concerned, the jealousy was his problem and his alone.

One day Ho actually approached me. And he told me a fairly amazing story. He said that he was suddenly happy with Jen’s activities, that he now understood her and what she was doing. He said that he had happened to touch her while she was meditating, that the touch caused him to experience what she was experiencing, and that all he now wanted in life was to have for himself what she had.

(Later I read, in a Yogi’s writing, that when one touches someone in a very high state of consciousness, that that high state is transferred to the person.)

Ho changed immediately and completely. Gave up sex. Yup. I kid you not. He gave up sex while sharing a bed every night with that beautiful woman. He became as involved in spiritual activity as Jen. He was very pleased, especially, that he was able to give up sex. Gandhi was his role model. 15 years later he proudly told me that he was still “off sex.”

What happened next — I can’t imagine how it happened–I just can’t imagine.

When we again met about ten years after that, Ho was no longer bragging about no sex, so I asked Jen and she said that He had fallen off that wagon. I was saddened. But I was especially sad for Jen. She rarely smiled, she never spoke of light work, ever, and she very often found fault, even with her lovely grandchildren. I didn’t want even to be around her. I was heartbroken.

I learned that Jen and Ho had fallen in with a “guru” in India who seemed to be negative, in that he taught that anyone who was not following him was – you all know that story and his followers were also preaching that theirs was the only – etc. Jen and Ho had been spending time with his followers in Sedona (NOT the Ruby Focus group). So, now they were not the people who never found fault and who greeted every situation with a smile. Many now felt their sting – their children and grandchildren, members of certain races, some folks in the arts, and certainly folks in any religion or cult other than their own.

We must choose our company very wisely, being with those with the traits we want — and we must keep up our shields of protection.

(In my not-so-humble opinion.)


